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Q: What is the name for the number that is greater than Graham's number?
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Is there a number bigger than graham's number?

Yes, there is, but it has no name, for grahams number was and is still the largest number with a name. To make a number larger than grahams number, you just need to make grahams number 1, but it would not have a name because it is not official, and if you try to write it down, you could not, because all matter in the universe transformed into pen ink could not write it down. And if you tried to type it, your computer or whatever you where typing it on would fail.

What is the name for the number greater than 0?

it is called a counting number or a natural number

What is the name of a number a whole number greater than one that has more than two factors?

A composite number

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What is the name for number that are greater than zero?

numbers greater than 0 are called positive numbers

What is the definition of greater than?

ANY number greater than the number before the greater than, so if the answer is greater than 7 then one solution is 7.00000000000000000000000000000000001

How can you tell whether the percent of a number will be greater than less than or equal to the number?

100% equals the number. Less than 100% is less than the number. Greater than 100% is greater than the number.

What kinds of numbers would I multiply by to get answers that are slightly greater than my starting number?

If you multiply your number by any number greater than 1, the result will be greater than the starting number - assuming your number is positive. If your number is negative, you need to multiply it by any number less than 1, to get a result that is greater than the original number. To get a number that is slightly greater, multiply by a number that is slightly greater than 1 (ot slightly lee than= -1).

What does it mean for a percent to be greater than 100 percent?

It means that the number that the percentage represents is greater than 1.It means that the number that the percentage represents is greater than 1.It means that the number that the percentage represents is greater than 1.It means that the number that the percentage represents is greater than 1.

What is a whole number that is greater than 0?

A counting number is a whole number that is greater than zero.A positive integer is a whole number greater than zero.

What square number is greater than 100?

The square of any number greater than 10 (or less than -10) will be greater than 100.

What is a number greater than itself but lower than itself?

None. No number can be greater than itself.