It is the name given to the straight line from the centre of a circle to its circumference when that distance is 18 mm.
The name given to a set of coordinates is "coordinate system".
The distance which is 10^-3 larger is 1.003 metres, and there is no specific name for it. The name of the distance which is 10^-3 times as large (not the same thing!) is a millimetre.
A cluster or star cluster
Its name shall be called "circle".
A circle.
Globular ClusterA huge group of stars that are close together is a star cluster. With many more stars it is a galaxy.
The name given to the huge waves that follow an earthquake is a tsunami. Tsunamis are a series of ocean waves with long wavelengths that can travel at high speeds across the ocean and cause significant damage when they reach the shore.
Hudson Bay Company
Globular ClusterA huge group of stars that are close together is a star cluster. With many more stars it is a galaxy.