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Q: What is the name given to a small part of the distance around a circle?
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What is the name of the small part of the distance around a circle called?

That is called an "arc".

The center of a great circle is also the center of a small circle?

If talking in terms of the shortest distance around a sphere, the answer is NO.

Can you fly an earth small circle?

YES. A small circle is simply a circle around the earth that does not fly over the direct opposite place on earth that a plane took off from. A great circle goes full circumference of earth, where a small circle does not. Being a circle they both fly in a constant direction.

How do you get the perimeter of a given area?

The perimeter of an area is the length around the outside. For simple shapes such as a square or a circle, the answer is not difficult to calculate. For a square, (length x breadth) = the area. For a circle, pi times the diameter, or roughly, 22/7 x the diameter = the area. For a geographic area, such as say the perimeter of Florida, this is easiest to determine by actually measuring around Florida's border on a map with a small rolling wheel, that converts the distance it travelled into length.

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Is a Reddish mole with a white circle around it dangerous?

My daughter has a small red mole on her back that has a white circle around it. Could it be something like cancer?

A small a in a circle is pronounced how?

A small "a" in a circle is usually pronounced as "at" or "around." It is commonly used in internet and email addresses, where it indicates being "at" a specific domain.

How big is a 3 centimer circle?

small. if this is the diameter, the distance across is slightly more than 1 inch.

What is the difference between a small circle and a great circle?

A small circle is a simple circle on a two dimensional plane. The great circle is the circle around a sphere that is on the plane that intersects with the center of the sphere. It is the reason that on a flat map the paths of planes seem to curve to go to and from Europe and the North American continent.

What is difference between great circle and small circle?

A great circle is a circle on the surface of a sphere that has the same center as the sphere, while a small circle does not share the same center as the sphere. Great circles have the largest circumference of all circles on a sphere, whereas small circles have smaller circumferences. The equator is an example of a great circle on Earth, while lines of latitude other than the equator are examples of small circles.

Small red cirle on your arm with a white ring around it?

A small red circle on your arm with a white ring around it is most likely ringworm. This is contagious by touch.

Draw 15 small circles Draw a large circle around three fifth of them?