Its the name for a shape
The name of an eleven sided geometric shape is a Hendecagon or endecagon.
A good many if not most sites with logos use geometric logos. You can do an image search in any search engine. An example of a search on this is found below with the related links.
This is part of a geometry scavenger hunt to help students with their geometry. AOL has a geometric logo that is a triangle with a circle in it.
Rhombus is the geometric name.
No business has the logo "just do it". However, Nike has the slogan, "Just do it".
Rather than trademark a business, you would trademark its marks used in trade: name, logo, slogan, etc.
A trademark is a mark used in trade, such as a business or product name, logo, or slogan.
Larry the Stag is the mascot for The Hartford. He appears in their business logo. Larry is his unofficial name, and is predominantly used internally as a nickname for the Stag featured in the logo. == ==
a logo is a sign that stands for a certain team or business. it could help lure people into their business. like the white sox have the Sox logo. you can check this link to get your logo
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Its the name for a shape
The name of an eleven sided geometric shape is a Hendecagon or endecagon.