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In geometry a kite, or deltoid, is a quadrilateral with two disjoint pairs of congruent adjacent sides, in contrast to a parallelogram, where the congruent sides are opposite. The geometric object is named for the wind-blown, flying kite (itself named for a bird), which in its simple form often has this shape.

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Q: What is the name of a kite in maths other than kite?
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Where do you use integration other than in maths?

In a multi-cultural society.

When was Higher Than a Kite created?

Higher Than a Kite was created in 1943.

What is relationship between Maths and Geography?

The difference of maths and geography is maths is more better than geography

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Numerical reasoning is only a part of maths. Other major components of maths are Geometry and Algebra. The word' maths'. is short for 'mathematics'. The word 'mathematics' comes from Classical Greece, and means to 'learn'.

What quadrilateral shape has more than one obtuse angle and has no parallel sides?

A general quadrilateral or a kite.

Are all kites squares?

Yes. Any rhombus is also a kite (but not the other way around), and since any square is also a rhombus, any square is also a kite.

What is the full form of Maths.?

Maths is short for mathematics. (Americans would say math, rather than the British maths).

What name in maths is given to non-rectangular numbers?

There is no specific name for all non-integers as well as all integers less than 2.

Which quadrilaterals shape have more than 1 obtuse angle and has no parallel lines?

A kite or various miscellaneous quadrilaterals with no particular name.

What is additional math?

you have to pick Maths for GCSE's but you can also pick additional maths which is just more maths than normal eg you may have 5 peroids of maths a week but with additional maths you may have 9 peroids of Maths a week

What would happen if there is no maths?

Human beings - if they survived - would be in a less advanced state than many other animals.

What things need air to live?

A hang glider, kite, paper airoplane