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Exactly as in the question it is a right angle triangle

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Q: What is the name of a right angled triangle?
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Related questions

How do you name a triangle by its angles than its sides?

An acute angled triangle, right angled triangle or obtuse angled triangle.

What is the name of triangle that has 90dergees?

A right-angled triangle.

What is the name for the longest side in a right angled triangle?

The longest side in a right angled triangle is called a hypotenuse.

What is the name of a triangle that has one angle of 90?

A right angled triangle.

What is the name of the triangle with no lines of symmetry and no right angles?

A scalene triangle that is not right angled.

What is the name of the longest side of a right angled triangle?


A scalene triangle can also be an what triangle?

a scalene can be a right-angled triangle or a obtuse angled triangle or a acute angled triangle depending on the angles of the triangle.

What are the six kinds of triangle?

acute angled triangle,right angled triangle,obtuse angled triangle,isosceles triangle,equilateral triangle, scalene triangle

What are all the names to name a Triangle?

They are:equilateralacute angled isoscelesacute angle scaleneright angled isoscelesright angle scaleneobtuse angled isoscelesobtuse angle scalene.

What is special about a right-angled triangle?

a right angled triangle is special because it is the only triangle that has a right angle with a dregree of 180.

Does a right-angled triangle have any equal sides?

A right-angled triangle can have equal sides, but does not have to. A right-angled triangle with two equal sides CANNOT be an equilateral triangle. A right-angled triangle cannot be an equilateral triangle.Divide a square along the diagonal, and you are left with two right-angled triangles with two sides of equal length.

What is an obtuse angled triangle?

An obtuse angled triangle is wider than a right angled triangle. It has 180 degree angles.