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I don't think there is any special name for that.

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Q: What is the name of a set with one element?
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What is a relation in which each element of the first set is paired with exactly one element of the second set?

If every element of the first set is paired with exactly one element of the second set, it is called an injective (or one-to-one) function.An example of such a relation is below.Let f(x) and x be the set R (the set of all real numbers)f(x)= x3, clearly this maps every element of the first set, x, to one and only one element of the second set, f(x), even though every element of the second set is not mapped to.

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A function is a mapping from one set to another such that each element from the first set is mapped onto exactly one element from the second set.

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A function is a mapping from one set to another such that each element of the first set (the domain) is mapped to one element of the second set (the range).

How do you prove that set A of vowel is a subset of set B that is equals a letter that appear in a girl's name?

To check whether a set is a subset of another set, you check whether every element of the first set is also an element of the second set.

How many subsets does a set have if the set has one element?

Two. The set {x} has the subsets {} and {x}.

Why it is valid to say that both a function and its inverse describe the same relationship.?

If a function has an inverse then it is a bijection between two sets. Each element in the first set is mapped to one, and only one, element of the second set. Therefore, for each element in the second set there is one, and only one, element in the first set. The function and its inverse, both define the relationship between the same pairs of elements.

Which set possesses only one proper subset?

A set with only one element in it. The only proper subset of such a set is the null set.

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The only proper subset of a set comprising one element, is the null set.

What set is a unit set?

That refers to a set that has exactly one element. Also known as a "singleton".

When a set is said to be proper?

A set is not, in itself, proper. However, it is a proper subset of another set ifevery element in the first set is an element of the second set, andthere is at least one element in the second set which is not in the first.In other words, all of the first set is included in the second but is not equal to the second.

How can a set of numbers have a range of zero?

A set with only one element. Its maximum = minimum = that element. So the range = max - min = 0.

Is 1267343 and 1276343 a number set?

It is a number set with only one distinct element in it.