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Q: What is the name of climate graph?
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Related questions

What information is presented in a climate graph?

The information that are in a climate graph are temperature and rainfall.

Why line graph is used for temperature in a climate graph?

the line graph is the temperature!

What is the definition of a climate graphs?

A graph which shows the change in climate

What makes a climate graph useful?

There are a few different things that will make a climate graph more useful. Having data for a long period of time makes this graph very useful.

What is a 'climate graph'?

A climate graph is a chart that shows what the weather is like overall in a certain place. E.g thunderstorms in Hawaii and a Tornado in Sydneya climate graph is a chart that shows what the weather is like overall in a certain place. similar to Climatograms.

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Describe the essential features of the climate of the Mojave Desert?

Where can you find a graph of the climate of the Amazon rainforest?


How do you determine a climate range on a climate graph?

To determine a climate range on a climate graph, you would look at the highest temperature (usually in the summer months) and the lowest temperature (usually in the winter months) plotted on the graph. The difference between these two points gives you the climate range for that location.

Where can you find a climate graph for nigeria?

You can find a climate graph for Nigeria on various websites, such as the World Bank's Climate Data website, the Nigerian Meteorological Agency's website, or by searching on Google for "climate graph Nigeria." These graphs typically show temperature and precipitation patterns over the course of a year for different regions in Nigeria.

Where can you find a Climate graph for Canada?

There are climate graphs for dozens of locations in Canada at

Where can i find a Climate graph of rome?

try googleing it there are a whole bunch

What is the climate graph for Tundra biome?

The climate graph for the Tundra biome typically shows low temperatures year-round, with average temperatures rarely rising above freezing. Precipitation levels are low, often in the form of snow, and the growing season is short due to the cold conditions. The graph would typically show a distinct peak in precipitation during the summer months.