It's quite acceptable to call it a 1,000,000-agon but what's more important is knowing how to work out its properties.
megagon (hecatomyriagon)
Not surprisingly, it is called a side!
"Heptagon" is the name of a 7-sided polygon.
The picture looks closely to a circle because of the immense small size of each side.
megagon (hecatomyriagon)
A one-million-sided polygon.
The name for this polygon is a nonagon,
The name of a 7 sided polygon is Heptagon.
It is called megagon, its internal angle's sum is 179999640 degrees (that a lot!)
A hendecagon or an undecagon is the name of a polygon which has eleven sides.
Not surprisingly, it is called a side!
"Heptagon" is the name of a 7-sided polygon.
The picture looks closely to a circle because of the immense small size of each side.
If measured on the inside of the polygon, the it is an interior angle.