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Q: What is the name of the correlation in maths with a slope?
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What is the difference between positve and negative correlation?

Positive correlation has a positive slope and negative correlation has a negative slope.

How can you tell from a scatter plot wheather two variables have a positive correlation a negative correlation or no correlation?

Positive correlation = the slope of the scattered dots will rise from left to right (positive slope) Negative correlation = the slope of the scattered dots will fall from left to right (negative slope) No correlation = no real visible slope, the dots are too scattered to tell.

What can you say about the relationship between a correlation r and the slope b of the least squares line form of data?

You can say that the correlation is positive if and only if the slope is positive. The correlation is zero if and only if the slope is zero. And the correlation is negative if and only if the slope is negative. On the other hand, slope does change when your measurement units change, while correlation does not change. (For example, the correlation between height in inches and weight in pounds will be the same as the correlation between height in centimeters and weight in kilograms, as long as both sets of measurements were taken on the same observations.)

A positive value for a correlation indicates?

A positive value for a correlation indicates a positive correlation; e.g. it has a positive slope.

What type of correlation is a straight line with no slope?

The straight line with no slope is a point

What is a correlation on a scatter graph in maths?

it is the line in the middle of the crosses

What does correlation mean in maths?

Correlation is a statistical measure of the linear association between two variables. It is important to remember that correlation does not mean causation and also that the absence of correlation does not mean the two variables are unrelated.

What negative correlation indicate?

the negative sign on correlation just means that the slope of the Least Squares Regression Line is negative.

Which is typically steeper a positive or negative slope?

There's absolutely no connection or correlation whatsoever between the steepness and the direction of a slope.

When finding the slope of the trend line what does the slope mean about the data of the scatterplot?

The slope of the trend line is the rate of change of the data. It is the ratio of the change of the dependent variable to the rate of change of the independent variable. Slope represents the value of the correlation.

If two variables have a negative linear correlation is the slope of the least squares negative?


What is the sign of slope of the regression line if the correlation coefficient is -0.15?

The sign is negative.