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Her name is Scylla

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Q: What is the name of the creature that has six heads and twelve legs in the odyssey?
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Which creature has three heads six arms three torsos and in some sources six legs with a snake's tail twelve wolf legs and six long-necked wolf heads?

There is nothing "conventional" about this creature, even for mythological beasts. It does not show up on any search of mythology or cryptid data bases. If you invented it, it is up to you to name it.

You have twelve heads sixteen tongues twenty four legs who are you?

12 armless people, two of whom are wearing pairs of lace-up shoes.

What does duodecabrachial biped mean?

A duodecabrachial biped means any humanoid creature having twelve arms and two legs (i.e. Mr. Centipede from the James and the Giant Peach movie).

A creature with 100 legs is a?

A creature can have any amount of legs, but this creature has one hundred legs. The name of this unusual and common creature is a centipede. The name 'centipede' is a strange name for such a tiny element of nature. If you can find a centipedethe you can try to catch it and study it and figure out why and how it got its name and other biography about the centipede.

What creature has the most legs in the world?

The millipede holds the record for having the most legs of any creature in the world, with some species having up to 750 legs. Despite its name, millipedes do not actually have a thousand legs, but rather hundreds.

What creature can have as many as 710 legs?


Is there such a creature with 4 legs and 2 penis?


Which you is a small creature with 6 legs?


The dairy farm has both cows and chikensThe farm workers counted 50 legs and 18 heads how many cows are in the farm and how many chickens?

7 cows and 11 chickens. Cows have 4 legs. Chickens have 2 legs. (4 legs)(7 cows) + (2 legs)(11 chickens) = 50 legs. 7 cow heads = 11 chicken heads = 18 heads.

What does the monster Scylla looks like?

Scylla has four eyes, six long necks equipped with grisly heads(each with three rows of sharp teeth), twelve tentacle-like legs, and a cat's tail and with four to six dog heads hanging from her waist.

Which creature has 99 legs?

A centipede that just got one of its legs cut off

How many legs does a centepede have?

A centipede can have up to 124 tiny legs, but a centipede is not the creature with the most legs . . . the millipede is.