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the real numbers

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Q: What is the name of the entire system of rational and irrational numbers?
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Related questions

Which number system is made up of the rational and irrational numbers?

Real numbers are madeup of rational and irrational numbers

Which number system is made-up by rational and irrational numbers?

The real number are the union of rational and irrational numbers.

What number system is made by rational and irrational numbers?

real numbers

What are the set of the real number?

the set of real numbers are the numbers which make the entire number system. they include all the different number systems like integers,rational numbers,irrational numbers,whole numbers & natural numbers.

What is the set of rational numbers together with the set of irrational numbers?

The real number system

What type of numbers make up the real number system?

Rational and irrational numbers.

What is the Real No System?

The real number system is a number system using the rational and irrational numbers.

What is real no system?

The real number system is a number system using the rational and Irrational Numbers.

What are the parts of real number system?

Natural Number, Integers, Rational Numbers, Irrational Numbers

What are the subset of the real number system?

Irrational Numbers, Rational Numbers, Integers, Whole numbers, Natural numbers

What is the difference between real and rational numbers?

The rational numbers are a subset of the real numbers. You might recall that rational numbers are those that can be expressed as the ratio of two whole numbers (no matter how large they are). Irrational numbers, like pi, cannot. But both sets (the rational and irrational numbers) are subsets of the real numbers. In fact, when we look at all the numbers, we are looking at the complex number system. We break that down into the real and the imaginary numbers. And the real numbers have the rational and irrational numbers as subsets. It's just that simple.

What is -0.567 on the number system?

In the number system , there are decimal numbers, fractions,rational numbers , irrational numbers , negative and positive numbers.-0.567 on the number system is negative number.