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Q: What is the name of the first number you subtract?
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What is an inverse operation subtract 5?

The inverse operation for subtract 5 is add 5. This is because whatever number you start with, if you first "subtract 5" and then "add 5" or if you first "add 5" and then "subtract 5" you are back to the number you started with.

When you subtract one square number from another square number the answer is 16 what was the first number?

when you subtract one square number with another the answer is 16 what are the two numbers

How do you subtract a bigger number from a smaller one?

if you want to subtract a bigger number from a smaller one, first subtract smaller number from bigger one add negative sign in front of answer you got

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When adding two opposite integers?

Subtract the number you first thought of.

What is the number called from which you subtract?

It is called the minuend The number you subtract from it is called the subtrahend

When you subtract a negative by a negative what do you get?

depends if the first number is bigger than the second number than it is a negative

When you subtract a number from itself?

You will get zero if you subtract a number from itself.

What is the number to a number you subtract?

Subtract the subtrahend from the minuend to get the difference.

How many times can you subtract the number 5 to 25?

You can only subtract 5 from 25 once because after the first time it is no longer 25 :)

When you subtract one number from another the answer is 21?

It can be if the first number is x + 21 and the second is x for any number x.