Albert Einstein.
No. E=mc2 is a formula. Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.
The 2 stands for squared . So in all the formula is : Energy equals the mass times the constant (Speed of light) squared. The 2 squares the formula.
The correct formula is E = mc2 (E equals m c squared) and it was coined by Albert Einstein.
Albert Einstein.
No. E=mc2 is a formula. Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.
The formula is E=mc2.
The 2 stands for squared . So in all the formula is : Energy equals the mass times the constant (Speed of light) squared. The 2 squares the formula.
current equals voltage over resistance @above, to elaborate, current, referred to as Amps, or I, in most equations. Voltage, or simply volts, Is commonly referred to as E. And resistance, measured in OHMS, abbreviated as R, so therefore, E=IxR I=E/R R=E/I :D Enjoy
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
Max Planck