The great scientist from India who worked hard in his work and worked for his country noun other than haribha is the founder of prime numbers since 300 bc
mr prime
Prime numbers are numbers with no common factors but one and itself.
A mirror prime.
There is no name for numbers which are neither prime nor composite.
Eratosthenes, It says it is Eratosthenes.
Numbers other than prime prime numbers are composite numbers. Only whole numbers should be considered for prime & composite numbers. However, '1' is an exceptional case because it is neither prime nor composite.
No, there are an infinite amount of non-prime numbers just as there are an infinite number of prime numbers.
prime numbers are numbers that can only be multiplied by 1 and itself...... Examples:17,19,23,31,37,38,39,etc......
mr prime
There is no special name for this set, so just call it "the set of prime numbers from 1-100".There is no special name for this set, so just call it "the set of prime numbers from 1-100".There is no special name for this set, so just call it "the set of prime numbers from 1-100".There is no special name for this set, so just call it "the set of prime numbers from 1-100".
Prime numbers are numbers with no common factors but one and itself.
A mirror prime.
There is no name for numbers which are neither prime nor composite.
There is no name for numbers which are neither prime nor composite.