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The solidus

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Q: What is the name of the line in between 2 numbers of a fraction?
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What is the name of line use between two number in fraction?

The line between the numerator and the denominator of a fraction is the the solidus line

What is the name of the line between the numerator and denominator in a fraction?


What is the name of the line between a denominator and a numerator in a fraction?

It's sometimes known as the 'divison bar' or 'fraction bar'.

What is the name of the line in the middle of a fraction?

It is the solidus line that separates the numerator from the denominator in a fraction.

What is the name of the line in a fraction?

the vinculum

What is the name of a fraction which is worth the same but has different numbers?

multiplesequivalent fraction

Name a whole number a rational number?

17. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction.

What is the name of the line in between the donomanater nd nomanater?

If the numerator is written above the denominator, the line is called the "bar". If the fraction is written in-line like 1/2, the line is called a "virgule".

What is the official name of the line in a fraction?

It's called a vinculum.

Shell script that accepts a file name starting and ending line numbers as arguments and display all the lines between the given line numbers?

i=1 while [ $i -le $# ] do grep -v Unix $i > $i done

What is the name of the part of a fraction that indicates the number of equal parts in the whole?

This is the denominator, which is the bottom line of the fraction.

'What name is given to the number above the line of a vulgar fraction?
