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Q: What is the name of the number system using only the symbols 1 and 0?
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What number system is based on number 3?

Trinary would be the name of a base 3 number system.

How do you name the diameters in a circle?

You can use the two end points, or you can name them using a letter from any alphabet, or a symbol - including symbols that you made up.

What is the examples of decimal system?

Decimal system is a way of writing numbers. Any number, from huge quantities to tiny fractions, can be written in the decimal system using only the ten basic symbols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0. The value of any of these symbols dep ends on the place it occupies in the number. The symbol 2, for example, has totally different values in the numbers 832 and 238, because the 2 is in different places in each of the numbers. Because the value of a symbol depends on where it is placed wit hin a number, the decimal system is known as a place-value system. The word decimal comes from decem, the Latin word for ten. The decimal system received its name because it is a base-ten system. The value of each place is ten times greater than the va lue of the place just to its right. Thus, the symbols on the left of a number have larger values than symbols farther to the right. For example, the symbol 2 in 238 is worth much more than the symbol 2 in 832, because the 2 in 238 is farther to the left than is the 2 in 832. The decimal system is also called the Hindu-Arabic system. It was developed by Hindu mathematicians in India more than 2,000 years ago. Arabs learned this system after conquering parts of India in the AD 700's. They spread knowle dge of the system throughout their empire, including the Middle East, northern Africa, and Spain I hope it answered your question

Name the number system having only one digit?

binary system

Which binary numeral system is also known as base?

The binary system is the name given to the base-2 number system.

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Another name for a complete writing system using wedge-shaped symbols is cuneiform.

Who invented the ancient greek number system?

Greek numerals are a system of representing numbers using the letters of the Greek alphabet. The first Greek number system we examine is their acrophonic system which was use in the first millennium BC. 'Acrophonic' means that the symbols for the numerals come from the first letter of the number name, so the symbol has come from an abreviation of the word which is used for the number. Here are the symbols for the numbers 5, 10, 100, 1000, 10000. No one has claimed to be the author.

What short English words can be spelled using the periodic table?

Name of the elements are represented by symbols. These symbols are short english words.

What are the bases of making symbols?

There are mainly three ways of making symbols :1.By using the first letter of the name of the elements.2.If the name of two or more elements begins with the same letter,the second letter of their name is also taken with first letter.3.Symbols are made by using the letters of the name of elements in other languages also.

How do you write the Name Lloyds in shorthand?

The shorthand for "Lloyd" is typically written using the symbols for L, O, and D using a system like Gregg shorthand. Each letter is represented by a specific symbol that is then combined to form the full word.

Is numeral a symbol or name of a number?

Numerals are arithmetical symbols from which numbers are made from.

Who invented symbols of elements?

The symbols of elements were created by various scientists over time based on the element's name, properties, or Latin name. One of the most well-known contributors to the modern periodic table and element symbols is Dmitri Mendeleev, who is credited with arranging the elements by their atomic mass and predicting the properties of undiscovered elements.

What is the name of the grouping of symbols above the number keys called?

yo mom hahahahaha

Why are Daltons symbol not used in chemistry?

Dalton's symbols, used to represent elements and compounds, were replaced by the modern chemical symbols introduced by Berzelius. Berzelius' system of using one or two-letter abbreviations based on the element's name in its Latin form was found to be more systematic and convenient, leading to Dalton's symbols falling out of favor.

How do you write the name joyce using signs and symbols?

Joyce = Ⓙ☮¥¢ε

What number system is based on number 3?

Trinary would be the name of a base 3 number system.

What is the chemical name of CO using the stock system?

The chemical name of CO using the stock system is carbon(II) oxide.