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The discriminant

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Q: What is the name of the number under the radical symbol in the quadratic formula?
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Definition The number or expression inside a radical symbol?


What is the name of the symbol used to represent the non-negative square root of a number?

The 'radical': √

What does a radical symbol refer to?

A radical symbol indicates taking a root. A radical symbol alone indicates a square root (or equivalently, raising to the 1/2 power). If there is a small superscript number just to the left of the radical, then that indicates which root to take (square root for 2, cube root for 3, forth root for 4, fifth root for five, etc). This means raising to the 1/x power, where x is the small superscript number to the left of the radical.

Who discovered radical and radical symbol?

rosalyn magpao

What is the number called under the square root when the number is negative in the quadratic equation?

The term inside the square root symbol is called the radicand. There isn't a specific term for it based on its sign; whether it's positive or negative, it's still the radicand.I'm a little confused by your reference to the quadratic equation.If the radicand is negative, the root is an imaginary number, though that doesn't specifically have anything to do with the quadratic equation in particular.If the quantity b2 - 4ac is negative in the quadratic equation, the root of the quadratic equation is either complex or imaginary depending on whether or not b is zero.---------------------------Thank you to whoever answered this first; you saved me a bit of trouble explaining this to the asker :)However, in the quadractic equation, the number under the radical is called the discriminant. This determines the number of solutions of the quadratic. If the radicand is negative, this means that there are no real solutions to the equation.

Related questions

The is the name of the number under the radical symbol in the quadratic formula?


Why do imaginary answers occur in quadratic equations?

imaginary numbers occur in the quadratic formula because of the radical symbol, and the possibility of a negative radican and that results in imaginary numbers. I hope this helped!

What is radicand?

-The radical is the symbol that represents a square root. -The radicand is the number underneath the radical symbol. -The coefficient is the number out in front of the radical. (We assume that the coefficient multiplies the radical, the same way it would multiply with a variable.)

Is any number expressed with a radical symbol an irrational number?

No. Radical(1.21) = 1.1, for example, is rational.

The number or expression inside a radical symbol?

The term radicand means the number or expression inside the radical symbol. For example, when we have the square root of 2, the 2 is inside the radical symbol. It is the radicand. The radicand may be a number or an algebraic expression. Also, there is not limit to the number of terms the radicand may contain. It may even be infinite!

Definition The number or expression inside a radical symbol?


What is the symbol used to represent the nonnegative square root of a number?

The radical symbol ( √ ) followed by a line above what's in the radical, designates positive square root.

Is v61 an irrational number?

If the symbol preceding the 61 is intended to be a radical sign, the answer is yes. If it is not a radical, it depends on the value of v.

What is the name of the symbol used to represent the non-negative square root of a number?

The 'radical': √

What does a radical symbol refer to?

A radical symbol indicates taking a root. A radical symbol alone indicates a square root (or equivalently, raising to the 1/2 power). If there is a small superscript number just to the left of the radical, then that indicates which root to take (square root for 2, cube root for 3, forth root for 4, fifth root for five, etc). This means raising to the 1/x power, where x is the small superscript number to the left of the radical.

Who discovered radical and radical symbol?

rosalyn magpao

What is the symbol to denote a root?

The radical symbol √