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Q: What is the name of the puzzle where all the pieces are the same shape?
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You can divide any shape into smaller pieces so that all pieces have the same surface area. However, you can no longer divide an arbitrary shape (including an ellipse) into smaller pieces so that all pieces have the same shape.

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All the pieces are the same size and shape.

How do you play jigsaw?

Jigsaw is the same thing as a puzzle. All you have to do is put all the pieces together to make a picture.

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The golden triangle tablet is in Victors office, in the same boxes that the Egyptian puzzle pieces were found in.

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Same shape, same size is called, "Congruent" (konn-GREW-unt)

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Was there a version of monopoly that had colored wooden pieces that were all the same shape?

I remember coloured wooden Houses in the 60's/70's but the pieces were Metal.

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shape with both sides identical if cut in pieces