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Little Bitty Pretty One starts off that way

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Q: What is the name of the song that starts off with Ilike mm mm mm mm mmm mmm with you male vocals no idea if solo or band 80's era?
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Well i'd more say Markus Allan Hoppus Because Tom Does less vocals but it could be mark and tom (= Tom doesn't do less vocals what are you talking about in there first album Cheshire Cat Tom does do a few less vocals but in there 2nd album there both the same, 3rd album both the same, 4th album both the same, and there last album Tom actually does about 70% of the vocals so I have no idea what your talking about if anything Tom Delonge is the lead singer but I wouldn't say that because Blink-182 doesn't have a lead singer that's why there the best band in the world. If the question was who is the leader/frontman of blink-182 I would say Tom Delonge only because he started the band and he named the band and also he wrote most of the songs. And also the most know blink-182 song is "All the Small Things" and Tom is the one who does the vocals on that song just saying. But the most know band member is Travis Barker just because hes the best drummer in the world and does beats for almost every single hip-hop artists and created the brand Famous Stars and Stripes - Ivan

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