4.26 in words is 'four point two six'.
Five hundred eighty-nine.
78534854 in words is, seventy eight million, five hundred thirty four thousand, eight hundred fifty four.
The canonical spelling is "Stepin Fetchit". This is the stage name of an actor who tended to play a lot of rather derogatory roles, most usually a lazy servant. His real name was Lincoln Perry.
Name Here III
A derogatory name for a dog could be "mutt" or "mongrel."
Vladmir is the shortest way to write it.
The Flanders Mare.
In truth, there aren't many derogatory names for a capitalist, because so many people think that "capitalist" itself is derogatory. The only one that comes to mind for me is: robber baron
An abortuary is a derogatory name for a place where abortions are performed.
How about the plebs?
The Huns or Jerry or Krauts
"Nazi" (NOT-see) is a nickname for the German "Nationalsozialist" party. The term, "Nazi" was used as a derogatory name for this party. "Nazi" was loosely patterned after "Sozi", which was a derogatory name for 'Sozialist'.
He will usually write the patient's name, the date, which drugs are to be prescribed, the amount to be taken (and how often), any special instructions (such as 'after meals' or 'with water') and his signature.
Tories is a slightly derogatory name for the Conservative Party.