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Parallelagram, Rhombus, Square, or Rectangle are the ones with congruent sides. There are also shapes like Trapezoids that do not have equal sides.

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Q: What is the name used to describe a polygon having four sides?
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Polygon having four sides?


What is a polygon with four sides and four angles?

A polygon with four sides and four angles is a quadrilateral.

Describe why a square is always a rhombus but a rhombus is not always a square?

A rhombus is a polygon with four equal sides. A square is a polygon with four equal sides and four right angles. A rhombus cannot always be a square because many shapes have four equal sides.

How would you describe the shape square?

Polygon with four sides identical in length, four angles, all of which are 90 degrees.

Does a polygon have eight sides?

No, a polygon has four sides, but and octagon has eight sides.

What is a four-sided polygon with four congruent sides?

A four sided polygon with four congruent sides is a rhombusA square.

Does a polygon have four sides?

Answer: Yes it can have four sides, but as the explanation below shows, it can have many other numbers of sides as well. Explanation: A polygon can have as many sides as needed. We give specific names to polygons dependent upon the number of sides that it has: triangle: A polygon made with three sides. quadrilateral: A polygon made with four sides. pentagon: A polygon made with five sides. hexagon: A polygon made with six sides. heptagon: A polygon made with seven sides. octagon: A polygon made with eight sides . In fact, if we have n sides, we can call that polygon an n-gon. So in short, yes a polygon can have four sides, so all 4 sided shapes are polygons, however, not all polygons have four sides.

Are trapezoids similar?

It is a quadrilateral having neither pair of sides parallel. Or as a four sided polygon, two sides are parallel and two are not

A polygon with four sides and four angles is a?


Do a polygon have 4 sides?

A polygon may have any number of sides. A shape with four sides is a type of polygon called a quadrilateral.

What is polygon has one with four unequal sides called?

There is no specific name for a four-sided polygon with unequal sides.

A polygon with four sides?

A polygon with four (4) sides is a quadrilateral!Yeah ya gurl Tina answered this for you lolz!!!!!!