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well... it really depends on what gender and age you are. there are various websites that can tell you what your national average is.

hope this helped xx =]

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Q: What is the national average for the 1 minute sit up test?
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How can you test your muscle endurance?

Two quick and easy ways to test the muscular endurance of your upper body and your core muscles are the push-up test and the sit-up test. The push-up test is simply seeing how many pushups you can complete successfully within a minute's time. The sit-up test is similar except it comprises of doing sit-ups for a minute. The more you can do of each within a minute the more endurance you have. I believe the average for the push-ups is 17-34 for men. I don't know about the women's average or of the sit-up average.

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46 baybay

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A sit up or curl up test measures the muscular strength and endurance of the abdominals and hip-flexors. Do as many sit ups in one minute.

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idk i was asking you

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Well the average American can probably do no more than forty, but I am a high-schooler, and I usually set the curve in my classes for the sit-ups in 1 minute, and I can bust out 64 or 65 on a good day.

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there is not a true true answer for this question but if u see it on a test sit next to a nerd and copy them okay

Sit ups in a minute record?

dk. try google

How much time do you get to sit down on the job as a pharmacy technician?

On your 15 minute breaks and 30 minute lunch

How do you do harder sit ups?

Twice a day, do sit-ups for three minutes. Overtime, you'll get better. I can do about 65 sit-ups per minute.

What is the Objectivity of the sit and reach test?

The objectivity of the sit and reach test is to monitor the development of an athlete's lower back and hamstring flexibility.