To the nearest thousand, it is 18,000.
To the nearest 14 thousand, 7 thousand To the nearest thousand: 13,500 To the nearest hundred: 13,950 To the nearest ten: 13,995 To the nearest 2: 13,999
One thousand of them - to the nearest thousand, Two thousand of them - to the nearest two thousand, Four thousnad - to the nearest four thousand None - to the nearest whole number.
6378000 is 6378294 to the nearest thousand.
Nearest thousand
Rounded to the nearest thousand, 9520 is approximately equal to 10000.
It is: 10,000
It is 10,000 and not 9,000
To the nearest thousand it is 6000
To the nearest thousandth, 0.055 To the nearest thousand, zero
To the nearest thousand: 6,172,000 To the nearest ten thousand: 6,170,000
To the nearest thousand: 36000 To the nearest ten thousand: 40000
To the nearest hundred, 324700 To the nearest thousand, 325000 To the nearest ten thousand, 320000 To the nearest hundred thousand, 300000