If there are three thirds in one, there must be six thirds in two.
It cant be written as a decimal apart from 3.0 which is a whole number. The fraction is basically saying that there are 9 thirds which equals three. Three thirds equals one because three thirds equals a whole.
in the number minus twenty three there are minus sixty nine thirds. In the number 2/3 there are two thirds.
sixty three hundered = 6300
Hundredth: 3.06Tenth: 3.1Whole: 3
As written, that's not a number. Let's try four thousand, three hundred sixty-four. It's necessary to specify what you want it rounded to. 4364 rounded to the nearest ten is 4360. 4364 rounded to the nearest hundred is 4400. 4364 rounded to the nearest thousand is 4000.
As a year: nineteen sixty three. As a number: one thousand, nine hundred and sixty three.
If there are three thirds in one, there must be six thirds in two.
two thirds = 0.666 while three eighths = 0.375 therefore two thirds is larger by far
86 / 63 is known as vulgar fraction = one and twenty three sixty thirds, or 1.365