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A "Negative Experiment" is one where the expected result of the experiment is not found. These experiments are critically important and represent important work in Physics. The Michelson-Morley experiment, a "negative experiment" is one of the most important in the history of science. It was an test to measure the influence of the presumed etheric medium on a beam of light. No effect was found. Thus no ether.

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Q: What is the negative experiment?
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What is the difference between positive and negative control in an experiment?

In an experiment, a positive control is used to show that the experiment can detect a specific response, while a negative control is used to show that the experiment does not detect a response when it should not.

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The negative control in the lactose experiment would be a sample that does not contain lactose or the enzyme needed to break down lactose. This control is used to show what would happen if no lactose were present for the enzyme to act on.

In a scientific experiment what is the definition of a variable?

Pretty much as it is in math, something that is undefined, but in Science it needs to be defined or the experiment cant continue. Your variables are basically what you measure, what you change and your control, both positive and negative (one with a 100% percent positive result and another with a 100% negative result)

What happens if the experiment dose not confirm hypothesis?

This indicates that the hypothesis is probably incorrect and a new hypothesis needs to be developed. A negative result for a scientific experiment is just as important as a positive result and means that the experiment was a success.

What are positive and negative controls in an experiment?

Positive controls : an experimental treatment that will give the desired result Negative controls: An experimental treatment that will NOT give the dersired result.

What results from an experiment do you mistrust if your negative control is not as expected?

If the negative control is not as expected, it could indicate issues such as contamination or a problem with the experimental setup. It may lead to questioning the reliability of the results from the experiment as it suggests potential errors or interference that could impact the interpretation of the data. Conducting further troubleshooting and repeating the experiment with proper controls is essential to ensure the accuracy and validity of the results.

How did Benjamin Franklin discover positive and negative charges?

Benjamin Franklin is famous for his experiments with electricity. Unfortunately, records don't contain a particular experiment where he discovered positive and negative charges.

Who calculated the negative charge of an electron?

The brilliant, so-called "Oil-drop experiment" of Robert A. Millikan established the magnitude of the quantum of electric charge ... the amount of charge on each electron (negative) and each proton (positive). Search around on line for "Millikan oil drop experiment" to read the fascinating story of how it was done.

What does controlled experiment mean in science terms?

All science experiments are performed in a controlled manner which means, there will be a positive control, a negative control and importantly the subject sample(s) who's behavior is not known. The experimental observation must be positive with the positive control sample and negative with the negative control sample, no matter whatever the condition is. Only in this set up the result of a subject (which is the actual unknown experimental sample) would be considered as a faithful result.Any fault or irregularities of the controls will destroy the authenticity of an experiment.

What's a negative control?

A negative control is a control group in an experiment where the variables are not expected to have an effect. It helps researchers to determine if any observed effects are due to the treatment being tested or other factors.