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didnt live

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Q: What is the negative of lived?
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What is the past tense of not lived?

Lived is the past tense of live. Not is used to make a negative sentence.I have not lived in Spain

Why did Riis use negative terms to describe eithnic groups?

To explain why people lived in these conditions.

What positive and negative effect did martin Luther have?

Positive impacts -95 pillars -rulers became more independent -principles were added to the art of translation Negative effects -Christianity suffered -People lived in fear -Bloodshed occured

A species that enters an envirmoent where it has not lived before is called a?

A species that enters an environment where it has not lived before is called an invasive species. These species can have a negative impact on the native ecosystem by outcompeting native species for resources and disrupting the balance of the ecosystem.

What are the negative aspects of a quaking aspen?

The quaking aspen tree is a short-lived tree and insect and disease affected. Suckers grow from the root that destroys a good landscape.

What was one negative thing about Buddha?

The Bhudda was ignorant of all the pains of the world prior well into his teenage years. He therefore lived a life of luxury (though he didn't know it was luxurious)

Positive and negative benefits of the columbian exchange on the new and old world?

Depends on which people we are talking about. For the natives, it was completely negative because it brought and disease and animals that both ensured the foreigners survival on the stolen land and took up space that the native's prey lived on. For the settlers, it was what kept them alive.

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Negative. Negative. Negative. Negative.

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They lived in where they lived.

Is a negative minuse a negative a positive?

Negative times a Negative is a Positive. Negative minus a Negative is a Negative.

Is a negative divided by a negative a positive number?

negative times negative is positive negative divided by a negative is a postive negative times a positive is a negative negative divided by a positive is a negative