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Q: What is the next letter in the pattern bcdgjopqrs?
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What letter is next bcdgjopqrs?

U - they are the letters of the alphabet which have a curve in them.

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M and N

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Short Answer: JExplanation:This is a pattern and the only logical next letter would be j, because the pattern goes in pairs of threes.If it is done logically:C is next to B and B is next to A in the alphebet, that is also true in the pattern above.E is next to F and F is next to G, that is a fact in the pattern above, and the alphabet.L is next to K and K is next to an unknown letter, following the pattern K is next to two letters in the alphabet, L and K, since L is already used before K, that leaves you with one answer J.

What is the next letter in this sequence qwerty?

The letter "U".The letter "U" is next in this sequence, because the pattern is the top row of a standard keyboard. QWERTYUIOP is the top row sequence.

What comes next M V E M?

The pattern suggests the next letter is "I" as it is the vowel following the pattern of consonants "M", "V", and "E".

What letter is next in the sequence s s a?

It the pattern continues as ssa ssa, then 's' would be next in the sequence. This is only if the pattern is a recurring pattern. If the pattern continues without recurrence of the given sequence, then 'a' would be next, because if 's' repeats itself twice, then 'a' would also.

What is the next letter in the pattern for WLCNIT?

To provide necessary context, the original question was "What letter comes next in this sequence? WLCNIT_" Notice the first letter of each word in that question. The answer is S, corresponding to "sequence."

What comes next in this letter pattern a z b y c x?


What letter comes next in this pattern OTTFFSS?

One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight

What letter is the next in sequence o n d j f?

The next letter in the sequence is M. The sequence follows the alphabetical order with a pattern of skipping letters.

What is the next letter in the sequence albemfinj?

The next letter in sequence a, l, b, e, m, f, i, n, j is the letter m. Why? The easiest way to figure this one out is to assign a number to each letter, beginning with 'A' =1. Therefore we have 1, 12, 2, 5, 13, 6, 9, 14, and 10. Next, look for a pattern in the series of numbers. Although not too obvious, start with the first letter 'A', then skip the next two letters 'L' and 'B'. 'E' is the next letter, which is 'A' plus 4. Then skip two letters 'M' and 'F' and add 4 to get 'I' ('E' + 4). This seems to be a good pattern. Continuing on the second letter in the sequence 'L', skip two letters. The next letter is 'M' which is 'L' plus 1. Then skip two letters and add 1, which is 'N'. So far we have a good pattern established. Finally, let's look at the third letter 'B'. Skip both letters 'E' and 'M' and we find the letter 'F', which is 'B' plus 4. Then add 4 to 'F', and we find the letter 'M' after jumping the two letters 'I' and 'N'. So the pattern is add 4 to the first letter, skip two letters, and you have the fourth letter. Then add 1 to the second letter, skip two letters, and you have the fifth. Add 4 to the third letter, and you have the sixth. The pattern then repeats itself. Since 4 was added to 'A', then added to 'E', then added to 'I', the next letter is 'M' ('I' + 4). Continuing on, the next two letters would be 'O' and 'N'. Hope this makes it a little clearer.