'24' is NOT a prime number. It is a compound number , because it has the factors of 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,&24.
The previous prime number is 23,456,787,559 and the next prime number is 23,456,787,593.
97 is the next prime number after 91.
43 is a prime number and the next prime number after it is 47
Seventeen is the next prime number after fifteen.
If you want to ask what is the next number of 23, then the answer is 24. If you want to know the next prime number of 23, the answer is 29.
83 is the next prime number.
'24' is NOT a prime number. It is a compound number , because it has the factors of 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,&24.
24 is a composite number.24 is NOT a prime number.
The previous prime number is 23,456,787,559 and the next prime number is 23,456,787,593.
ANSWER: The next prime number after 80 is 83.
the next prime number after 51 is 60 :)
The next prime number after 100,000 is 100,003
97 is the next prime number after 91.
the next prime number is 5 then 7 then
43 is a prime number and the next prime number after it is 47
Seventeen is the next prime number after fifteen.