87 is, itself, a whole number.
If you're after a whole number, no, if you're not, yes.
Since a natural number is defined as a whole, non-negative number, 87 would indeed be a natural number.
To the NEAREST whole number = 151 To the NEXT whole number = 152
After 2.9, the next whole number is 3. Decimals are a way to represent parts of a whole number, so when counting in decimals, the next number after 2.9 is the next whole number, which is 3.
87 is, itself, a whole number.
If you're after a whole number, no, if you're not, yes.
Since a natural number is defined as a whole, non-negative number, 87 would indeed be a natural number.
To give an integer (i.e. a whole number), 87 can be divided by: 1, 3, 29 and 87
The next number is 471.
To the NEAREST whole number = 151 To the NEXT whole number = 152
87 is an odd number. Since 87 / 2 = 43.5, not a whole number, it is odd. If it were even, you would be able to evenly divide it by two.
The next whole number or integer after 4 is 5
After 2.9, the next whole number is 3. Decimals are a way to represent parts of a whole number, so when counting in decimals, the next number after 2.9 is the next whole number, which is 3.
The next whole number is: 990996
The next whole number or integer is 41426