Oh, dude, you're asking me to count digits now? Okay, let's see. In 50,000, the nine-digit number is 000050000. And in 3,000,000, the nine-digit number is 000300000. Like, who knew counting zeros could be so thrilling, right?
This relates to the PRODUCT of the digits forming the number. 50000 expressed in prime factors is, 24x 55. The 9 digit number is thus 222255555 but the individual digits can be placed in any order, for instance 522555225. 3000000 is similarly 26 x 3 x 56. Altogether this involves 13 numbers but by combining the smaller primes this can be reduced to 9 digits. 23 = 8 ; 22 = 4 : 2 x 3 = 6 The number can be 846555555, but as above, the individual digits can be placed in any order.
Nine of them.
There are nine of them. They are:108117126135144153162171180
no, only single digit numbers are 8,3,1, and 0
There are ten million numbers that satisfy that description !Here are 3 of them:103,752,986273,054,321963,750,246
This relates to the PRODUCT of the digits forming the number. 50000 expressed in prime factors is, 24x 55. The 9 digit number is thus 222255555 but the individual digits can be placed in any order, for instance 522555225. 3000000 is similarly 26 x 3 x 56. Altogether this involves 13 numbers but by combining the smaller primes this can be reduced to 9 digits. 23 = 8 ; 22 = 4 : 2 x 3 = 6 The number can be 846555555, but as above, the individual digits can be placed in any order.
900 It is the only three digit number with a nine in the numbers place
Nine million of them.
Nine of them.
Bank of America uses a nine digit number for their bank accounts. Each person has their own account and has different numbers.
There are nine of them. They are:108117126135144153162171180
no, only single digit numbers are 8,3,1, and 0
There are 278 5-digit numbers less than 20,000 that are divisible by both four and nine.
There are 898 three-digit even numbers. Nine of them are multiples of 55. That leaves 889 * * * * * There are 450 three-digit even numbers and 17 of them are multiples of 55. So that leaves 433.
99. But only if you consider the first nine as 01, 02, 03 etc. If not, there are 90 2-digit numbers, starting with 10 and ending with 99.