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The first 11 primes are:

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31

Therefor the ninth is 23.

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Q: What is the ninth prime number?
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What is ninth prime number?


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James Scullin was Australia's ninth Prime Minister.James Scullin

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no, first prime number is 2 NASA considers 1 a prime number, since it has no whole number factors except for itself. Check this : 1 is not a prime number Okay, it is 2, but 1 used to be taught as the first prime number, back when Pluto was recognized as the ninth planet. Outdated info again. Sorry.

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3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510...3 is the ninth number to the right of the decimal place.5 is the ninth number in the series if you count the initial 3.(The first 50 to the right of the decimal place is shown for context.)

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512 = 2 to the ninth power. Its prime factors are 1, and 2 used 9 times.512 only has one prime factor: 2