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Not sure what you are asking, but I know that moss always starts on the north side of trees.

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Q: What is the north side sign?
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The North side of Mount Everest is in Tibet.

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Unless there is a designated area for you to endorse a check, it doesn't matter which side of the check you sign. However, as a rule of thumb, when you are looking at your check right-side up, just flip it, and sign the left side.

Why do batteries have a plus and - sign?

Because one side is the positive side (+) and one side is the negative side (-) They need to be there so people can place them in correctly. On objects there is also a plus and minus sign to match with the ones on the battery. You place the end with the plus sign in to match the end with the plus sign on the object and the end with the minus sign to match the minus sign on the object. Hope this helps!

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Think... about the American (US) map. Is Kansas on the North side? or South? No, it's not on the North side, it is on the South.

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When facing north, the west side is on your left.

What side is the positive side on the battery?

Each battery terminal will have a sign impressed into the plastic case next to it, and the sign will be either "+" or "-".

Do south side or north side rules?

the south side completely lost the north defeated them sorry confederacy but