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This number can be considered as:

-- 1087

-- 10-13 googol

-- One thousand trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion

-- (1029) cubed

-- 10 times [ (1043) squared ]

In American nomenclature, it is called octovigintillion.

In European nomenclature, it is called quattuordecilliard.

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Q: What is the number 1 followed by 87 zeros?
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a googol? Nope that is 1 followed by one hundred zeros. A googolplex is one followed by a googol zeros. There is no broadly accepted name for 1 followed by one million zeros.

Does the number trillion have 15 zeros?

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Some say a googol is 1 followed by 99 zeros & some say it has 100 zeros. I think it's 100. A dotrigintillion is 1 followed by 99 zeros.

What do you call number 1 followed by zeros?

That depends how many zeros follow the 1.

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If you meant a number followed by 100 zeros, that would be Google if the number was a 1. If you meant 100 zeros followed by a number, that would be just that number.

What is the number 1 with 100 zeros?

1 followed by 100 zeros is 1 google (googol).

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Ten Trillions. Note: One followed by Three zeros = 1 Thousand One followed by Six zeros = 1 Million One followed by Nine zeros = 1 Billion One followed by Twelve zeros = 1 Trillion One followed by Thirteen zeros = 10 Trillions

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A googol It is 1 followed by 1,000,000 zeros

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if you mean a number followed by 12 zeros like this: 1000000000000 then that is 1 trillion

What is the name and length of the longest number?

Googolplexian: The worlds largest number with a name. A "1" followed by a googolplex of zeros Googolplex: The second largest number with a name. A "1" followed by a googol of zeros Googol: A large number. A "1" followed by one hundred zeros. There are infinitely many numbers, so there is no longest number.