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Q: What is the number 2 called in h20?
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What is the answer to number 23 in a game called rebuzzle?

it's H20

What is the 2 in H20 called?

Hydrogen times Oxygen

What does the number 2 called in h20?

Assuming you're talking about the chemical formula for water (H2O) - It means that for every atom of Oxygen (O) there are two atoms of Hydrogen (H)

What is the name of the gas water contains?

Water (H20) contains 2 hydrogen & 1 oxygen that's why its called h20 h2 stands for 2 hydrogen 0 stands for 1 oxygen.

The number 2 in the formula h20 tells you that each unit of this compound contains two?

Hydrogen atoms

What is the H20?

H2O is water. Also called dihydrogen monoxide. you have 2 hydrogen plus one oxygen.

What is the empirical number for water?

The empirical formula for water is H2O, indicating that water is composed of two hydrogen atoms for every oxygen atom.

What can a liquid can be described as a form of matter as?

A liquid is a state of matter where the particles are close together but can move past each other. Liquids have a definite volume but not a definite shape, conforming to the shape of the container they are in. They have higher kinetic energy than solids but lower than gases.

How old is H20 man in who wants to be a superhero?

H20 Man is called Karl and is 13 years old

What is of h20?

h20 is Water! Water H and 2 stand for 2 hydrogen molecules, while O means one oxygen molecule.

The chemical formula for h20 contains how many water molecules?

The chemical formula for water, H2O, represents one molecule of water. It consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom bonded together.

What is H20 Called in Latin?

Water in Latin is called "aquae" or "aqua."