3600012 is "trois millions six cent mille douze" in French.
The number 55 in French is cinqante cinq.
the number 16 = seizein french
The number 80 in French is quatre-vingts.
The number 34 in French is trente-quatre.
3600012 is "trois millions six cent mille douze" in French.
tres millones seiscientos mil doce
There are approximately 135,000 words in the French language.
tres millones seiscientos mil doce
According to the About website there are a number of applications that will assist one in learning French words. Some of the options include French Wordpower, French Word of the Day and Learn French Quick.
Neuf cent vingt-six.
mille six cent soixante-six
Mille sept cent quatre-vingt-neuf.
tres millones, seiscientos mil doce, pronounced with the IPA for Spanish [ˈtɾez miˈʝone sei̯ˈsjen̪toz ˈmil̪ ˈdose] español americano;[ˈtɾez miˈʎone sei̯ˈsθjen̪toz ˈmil̪ ˈdoθe] español peninsular
It is estimated that about 30-40% of English words have French origins due to the historical influence of the Norman Conquest in 1066. However, the exact number of French words in the English vocabulary is difficult to determine precisely as languages constantly evolve and borrow from one another.
"words" is "mots" in French.
Some English words that are similar to French words include: Date (English) / Date (French) Cafe (English) / Café (French) Table (English) / Table (French) Animal (English) / Animal (French)