6040 has 3 significant figures.
Nineteen million.
The number 126.31 written in words is one hundred twenty six and thirty one hundredths.
6040 has 3 significant figures.
The phone number of the Luckey Branch is: 419-833-6040.
6040 meters = about 3.75 miles. (3.753082 miles)
The phone number of the Suwanee Branch Library is: 678-985-6040.
The phone number of the Cooleemee Historical Association is: 336-284-6040.
Ah, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of numbers. In this case, 6040 in expanded form would be 6000 + 40. Each digit holds its own special place and value, creating a lovely harmony when expressed in this way. Just imagine the possibilities that can bloom from understanding numbers in their expanded form.
96,640 oz
6040 !
The address of the Maui Nui Botanical Gardens is: Po Box 6040, Kahului, HI 96733-6040
A number written using numerals and words would still be considered a number, but it can't be like 5000 or Twenty because 5000 is only made up of numbers, and Twenty is made up of words. The answer would have to be something like 5 Thousand or 2 Tens. Hope this helped!