70 is七十 (qīshí) in Mandarin Chinese.
No 70 is not a prime number.
The base of the Chinese number system is ten.
No, 70 is an even number because it is divisible by 2.
2 x 5 x 7 = 70
70 is七十 (qīshí) in Mandarin Chinese.
about 70 percent are
About 70% of the population in China speak Mandarin Chinese. It is the most widely spoken language in the country.
No 70 is not a prime number.
49/0.7 = 70 Therefore, the number that 49 is 70 percent of, is 70.
About 70% of Chinese people are in my school.
Yes, 70 is a even number.
To get 70% of a number, multiply that given number to the decimal equivalent of 70% which is 0.7. Example: 70% of 5 = 0.7 * 5 = 3.5
More than 70% of words came from Chinese in Korean language
This is the mass number.
To find 70% or a number take the number and multiply it by .7
The base of the Chinese number system is ten.