43 million
Number notation: 10 Word notation: ten
Number and Word Notation is basiclly just writing in words For Example= 9,000,000-------->Word Notation----------->Nine-Million----------Number Notation------------->9,000,000
Number notation: 1,400 Word notation: One thousand four hundred.
Two hundred and five is word notation. 205 is number notation.
43 million
The number 43,000,000 can be written numerically as "43,000,000" and in word notation as "forty-three million." In this number, the digit "4" represents 40 million, the digit "3" represents 3 million, and the trailing zeros maintain the placeholder value of the millions.
In wotds it is: forty three million = 43,000,000
Number notation: 10 Word notation: ten
Number and Word Notation is basiclly just writing in words For Example= 9,000,000-------->Word Notation----------->Nine-Million----------Number Notation------------->9,000,000
Number notation = 1,000 Word notation = one thousand.
The number notation is: 1,010The word notation is: One thousand ten.
Number notation: 1,400 Word notation: One thousand four hundred.
Two hundred and five is word notation. 205 is number notation.
Number notation: 100,000 Word notation: One hundred-thousand
number notation is 9.5 * 106 word notation is nine million five hundred thousand
Number notation: 9,500,000 Word notation: Nine million five hundred thousand.