Number notation: 607,000
Word notation: Six hundred seven thousand.
607000 in Scientific Notation = 6.07 x 105
It is: 1.82*10^4 in scientific notation
In the Biblical sense (The Holy Scriptures), the number ten represents the notion(s) of Earthly Perfection; those events and things that are directly attributable to God. Incidentally, the number 7 represents the notion of Heavenly Perfection, or perfection in the 'condition' (not an 'address') of Heaven. The number six six six represents imperfection and is indicative of satanic dealings and influence. :-) Wazza55555.
* idea * abstraction * apprehension * approach * big idea, * brain wave * brainchild * conceit * conception * conceptualization * consideration * notion * hypothesis * image * notion * perception * slant * supposition * theory * thought * twist * view * wrinkle
Scientific notion is writing number in a decimal format. The formula of (a x 10b) is the same for each number .So for the number 96 might look like 9.6x10.
607,000 is six hundred and seven thousand.
Six hundred seven thousand.
(DCVII) = 1000*607 = 607000
607000 in Scientific Notation = 6.07 x 105
The word notion has two syllables. (no-tion)
The appropriate guide word for "notion" could be "idea" or "concept."
Sure! Here is a sentence with the word "notion": "She had the notion that traveling would broaden her horizons."
The word notion is a noun, so there really aren't any antonyms for it. Notion basically means 'idea'. What is the opposite of an idea?
A notion is a thought, idea, or impulse.
Notion is the word.
Notion is spelled the same in French. Une notion is a feminine word.
The word 'notion' is a noun, a word for a conception of or belief about something; a word for a thing. Note: The plural noun 'notions' is also a word for small, useful, items associated with needlework.