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Q: What is the number call that tells you how many times you must multiply to self?
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What do you call how many times a number is used as a factor?

The exponent tells how many times the base is used as a factor.

What do you call the numbers you multiply to get another number?

They are factors. Also known as the multiplicand(first number) and the multiplier (second number). This is how it was taught as multiplication is repetitive addition. The multiplicand says how many things you have, and then the multiplier tells how many times you add them together.

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What do you call 10 to the power of 100000?

To find the answer to this question, you would need to multiply ten by itself 100,000 times, which would be an immense number.

When you multiply two numbers what do you call the resulting number?

The product

The number below the bar on a fraction?

The number below the bar is called the denominator.The top number of the fraction tells us how many parts we have.We call it the numerator.The bottom number tells us how many parts are in the whole.We call it the denominator.

What do you call the number that tells an element's location on the periodic table of elements?

Atomic number and it also tells the number of protons and electrons in an atom it is on top of the element symbol.

What do you call positive or negative number that tells if electrons are gained or lost?

It is called Oxidation number.

What is times by five called?

nothing special really. just call it multiply by five or times five or by five

What do you call to multiply a number by it self?

It is squared as for example 5*5 = 25

When a number is written in exponential form what is the number that is used as a factor?

When we multiply two or more numbers we call them factors, and the result a product. If we multiply the same number a several time, we call it a repeating multiplication, where the factor is the number itself. For example, 5*5*5*5*5*5. In this multiplication the number 5 (or the factor 5) appears 6 times. We use the exponential form 56 as a short hand to represent this repeated multiplication of 5, and we call the factor 5 the base, and the number of its appearances in the multiplication, 6, the exponent.

What do you call the numbers you multiply together to get a product?

multiplier the number that multiplies multiplicand the number to be multiplied product the answer in multiplication