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10 ^ (-0.33) = 0.467735141

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Q: What is the number for 10 to the power of minus 0.33?
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What is .01 written as a power of 10?

10 to the power of minus 2

What number is 10 minus 302?

10 minus 302 is -292

What does 10 to the minus 3 power mean?

10 to the power 3 means 10*10*10, or 1000 10 to the power MINUS 3 means 1 over 10 to the power 3, so 1/1000.

What is the meaning of log?

of Log, The business of felling trees, cutting them into logs, and transporting the logs to sawmills or to market.

What is 0.0000001 expressed as a power of 10?

10 to the minus 7 power (10^-7)

What is 10 to the negative 7th power?

1.0 x 10^-7 What that means is simply 1 divided by -10 x -10 x -10 x -10 x -10 x -10x -10 Power means the little number after the base number and negative just means well negative (minus before the power). Also power means what ever number of power it times by itself by the number shown. So, 5 power 2 is just 25 (5x5), or we call it squared.

What is 2.0x10 to the negative third power?

To multiply by 10 to a negative power just move the decimal point that number of spaces to the left: 2.0 x 10 to the minus 3 = 0.002

What is 6.2 x 10 to the power of minus 1?

A number to a negative power (negative index or exponent) is simply the reciprocal of that number to the equivalent positive power. Example 8⁻² = 1/8² So 10⁻¹ = 1/10¹ = 1/10 Then 6.2 x 10⁻¹ = 6.2 x 1/10¹ = 6.2/10 = 0.62

What number must be subtracted to -5 to get 10?

-5 minus -15 = 10 5 minus -5 = 10

What is 10 to the power of minus 3?

10-3 is equivalent to 0.001.

What is 12 to the second power minus 10?

122 - 10 = 134