It is one hundred twenty nine million four hundred seventy five thousand six hundred eighty.
Four million, eight hundred sixty-seven thousand, two.
imperial system * * * * * The Metric and Imperial systems are alternative systems! The metric system is properly known as the International System of Units, abbreviated, from its French name: Système international d'unités to SI units.
Trinary would be the name of a base 3 number system.
binary system
The metric system is called the International System of units. In Europe, the French oversee the system, and the name is Le Système international d'unités (SI).So It can be called the metric system, the IS system, or the SI system.
fourty eight million sixty seven thousand two
The full French name of SI is Systeme International d'Unites, usually abbreviated to Systeme International. The English translation of SI is the International System of Units, commonly referred to as the Metric System..
The international system of units!
The official name of the modern metric system is the International System of Units (SI). It is used as the standard system of measurement in most countries around the world.
The metric system is referred to as the International System of Units (SI).
Four million, eight hundred sixty-seven thousand, two.
The International System of Units, which is abbreviated "SI" from the French term "le Système international d'unités"
It's full name is International System of Units. :)
imperial system * * * * * The Metric and Imperial systems are alternative systems! The metric system is properly known as the International System of Units, abbreviated, from its French name: Système international d'unités to SI units.
Nine hundred ten million, one hundred eighteen thousand, eight hundred eighty-eight.
The International System of Units (SI) is also known as the metric system.