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Corn seed germination requires temperatures at least 50 °F. Under the correct conditions, it takes 3-6 days for the sweet corn seed to germinate.

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Q: What is the number of days for germination for corn?
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How do you measure seed germination rate?

EquipmentTo conduct this test you will need the following:· Waterproof tray. A flat-sided water bottle cut in half lengthwise makes a good tray.· Water absorbent material. Tissues or cotton wool are ideal.· Seeds.· Water supply.Procedure· Place water absorbent material inside the waterproof tray· Take random sample from each seed lot and mix in a container· Take at least three seed samples from the mixed grain· Count out 100 seeds from each sample and place on absorbent material inside the tray· Carefully saturate the absorbent material· For each of ten [10] days check that absorbent material remains moist and record the number of germinated seeds· Compute germination test for five [5] days and for ten [10] daysThe rate of germination is an indicator of vigor. Rapid seed germination increases the chance that seed will establish in the field.Calculating the germination rateGermination rate is the average number of seeds that germinate over the five and ten day periods.Germination (%) = Number of seeds germinated x 100Number of seeds on trayFor example, If 86 seeds germinated in a tray of 100 seeds after 10 days, thenFor more information contact Agricultural Engineering UnitIRRI, DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila, PhilippinesTel.: (63-2) 580-5600, Fax.: (63-2) 580-5699Email: M.Gummert@cgiar.orgJ.Rickman@cgiar.orgIRRI International Rice Research Institute10-day germination (%) = 86 x 100 = 86%100

What is the average number of kernels per an ear of corn?

The average number is ~60.

Is there an even number of rows on an ear of corn?

It would be odd if there wasn't.

In a calendar there are 515 days and 12 days a week then how many odd days will be there in that year?

The parity (odd or even) of days depends on the number of days in a month - not the number of days in a week.

What is the formula for finding the number of hours in any number of days?

multiply number of days by 24. so the formula would be '''hours = days x 24'''

Related questions

What is the germination of corn?

Fresh field corn seed (produced during the previous season) which has been properly handled will normally germinate between 95% and 99% percent of the seeds. Any of a number of factors can reduce the actual observed germination percentage.

What is the germanition of corn?

Germination means to sprout, to hatch, and applies to anything that comes from a seed. Germination rates vary from plant species to species, even between varieties, and the weather (water, temperature, sunlight) is a big factor, but generally it takes 5-10 days for a corn seed to germinate.

What condintions are needed for seed germination of three plants such as corn peas and beans?

Warm soil and moisture for germination. After germination is when all of the other factors affect plant growth. There are Organic Seed Starters available which can change days of normal germination into hours. The best Organic Seed Starter I have used changed the 7- 10 day germination printed on the packet to only 24 hours.

What has the author Charles Curtis Ruth written?

Charles Curtis Ruth has written: 'Moisture content and germination of corn as affected by artificial drying and place and method of storage' -- subject(s): Corn, Germination

How long does shucked corn stay fresh?

The number of days that shucked corn will stay fresh in the refrigerator will depend on the conditions in which it is stored. The average number of days will be between 5 and 7.

How many number of leaves will a monocotyledon and dicotyledon seeds have in seven days?

Depends on the condition of germination i. e. temperature, light and moisture.

Does corn have 1 cotyledon?

No, corn typically has one cotyledon. It is considered a monocotyledon plant, meaning it has one seed leaf upon germination.

How fast does corn grow?

There are many different varieties of corn, some of which are heirloom and others that are hybrids. The maturity dates are relative to the type. The actual number of days to harvest varies also from year to year and location to location. It takes anywhere between 58 days to over 100 days to harvest corn, depending upon the variety and the ear size.

How do you calculate germination percent?

To calculate germination percentage, divide the number of seeds that have germinated by the total number of seeds planted, and then multiply by 100. The formula is: (Number of seeds germinated / Total number of seeds planted) x 100. This will give you the germination percentage.

What is the germination time of kidney beans?

7 to 15 days

State the difference between what happens to a corn seed coat and to a bean seed coat at germination?

The difference is that the bean seed germinates by dicots and the corn seed germinates by monocots.

What conditions are needed for seed germination of corn?

For seed germination of corn, the key conditions needed are adequate moisture, suitable temperature (around 60-85°F), oxygen, and proper soil structure. The seeds should also be planted at the correct depth and spacing in well-drained soil with good fertility levels.