Are 6
Because in a trio are 3 people with 2 nostrils each.
Is a simple operation 3 times 2 equal 6.
voices in a trio
Another word for three is trio, tri.
positive/negitivetime warp trio. not always the case though it can be kinships
It is the definition of an arithmetic fact. It is one integer more than 2. Depends on the religion, but the number three has meaning in most Indo-European religions. It generally refers to either a tripartite deity (ie Christianity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, or Irish pagan: the three phases of Bridget- maiden, mother and crone) or a trio of gods or goddesses (ie Greek: Zeus, Poseidon and Hades). For the Norse, Odin is a tripartite god, (The High, Just as High, and The Highest) while Hindus have a trio of main gods and their consorts (Brama, Vishnu, Shiva, the Creator, the Maintainer and the Destroyer).
The noun 'trio' can function as a collective noun for any group of three joined together on a common task:a trio of singersa trio of dancersa trio of waitersa trio of EMTsa trio of horsesa trio of elephants
The number in a quartet is four.
Three (3) is the number of performers in a trio.
There are 42 people in fourteen trios, as each trio consists of three people. By multiplying 14 (number of trios) by 3 (number of people in each trio), you get 42.
I'm pretty sure you're referring to a trio. One is a solo, two a duet, three a trio, four a quartet, five a quintet, six a sextet, etc.
"Trio" in English is trio in Italian.
A horse has two nostrils, one on each side of its nose.
A trio means three (of people, of things, of events). Examples:A trio of singers performed.I saw a trio of stars above the pines.A trio of baby rabbits sat in my yard.Though I already won twice, I wanted a trio of wins.Three makes a trio of anything.A trio of blue birds ate from the feeder.
A trio
a trio is three
A trio means three (of people, of things, of events). Examples:A trio of singers performed.I saw a trio of stars above the pines.A trio of baby rabbits sat in my yard.Though I already won twice, I wanted a trio of wins.Three makes a trio of anything.A trio of blue birds ate from the feeder.