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It is estimated that there are 10^12 galaxies in the universe, each with about 10^12 stars. Each star has an average of 10^57 hydrogen atoms; using these estimates, the number of particles in the universe would be about 10^82.

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Q: What is the number of particles in the universe?
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Particles in the universe

How many particles are there in the world?

There is no exact number of particles in the world as particles are constantly moving and changing. However, estimates suggest that there are around 10^80 particles in the observable universe.

What is the word used for the biggest number ever?

Googolplex. However it is useless to science because it exceeds the number of particles in the universe!

What is the purpose of particles?

Since all matter in the universe is composed of particles, one might say that the purpose of particles is to give us a more interesting universe.

How many exact particles in the universe?


How many subatomic particle in the world?

The Wikipedia lists an estimate of 10 to the power 80 hydrogen atoms for the observable Universe. The total number of particles would be somewhere in that order, depending on what "particles" you are thinking of.

What are the tiny particles that make up the universe?


Is universe a number?

No, the universe is not a number. The universe refers to all of space, time, matter, and energy that exist and is not quantifiable like a number.

What are minute particles called?

Minute particles are called molecules or atoms. These are the building blocks of matter that make up everything in the universe.

Why physcist want to accelerat particles to higher energies?

The idea is to learn how the Universe works. Scientists hope that with higher energies, new kinds of particles will be discovered, and that these could give more clues about how the Universe works.

What is a relatively huge number?

One of the largest is called Graham's Number, which has so many digits that it can only be expressed as "powers of powers of powers". The last ten digits of Graham's number are ...2464195387. But the observable universe is too small to contain a written representation of the whole number, even if the digits were of subatomic size. It is many orders of magnitude greater than the number of elementary particles in the known universe.

Is there such thing as the subatomic universe?

Yes, the subatomic universe refers to particles and forces that exist at a scale smaller than atoms. This includes particles such as electrons, protons, and neutrons, as well as the fundamental forces that govern their interactions, such as electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces.