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Q: What is the number one polluter in the world?
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The Onion News Network - 2007 China Celebrates Its Status as World's Number One Air Polluter was released on: USA: 25 March 2008

Which country causes the most pollution?

mostly Taiwan and the most air pollution is china

What do you do if your car is a gross polluter?

Scrap it and use a bicycle or get a hybrid.

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cuter looter commuter recruiter polluter

What part has the us played in the world's climate change?

Up till recently the US was the world's largest polluter of the atmosphere, burning fossil fuels and adding carbon dioxide to the greenhouse gas levels.

What is Number one sport in world?

soccer! is the number one sport in the world

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muhammed is the number one name in the world

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polluter recruiter

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Brave was never the number one movie "in the world" but for its opening weekend, July 22nd - 24th, it was number one in America.

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Number one

Was passion by Rod Stewart a number one world wide hit?

No. It was not number one.

Who must take care of environment?

Most jurisdictions work on the polluter pays basis. This means the polluters insurers take the hit first hen the polluter covers the rest.However, at times the pollution is historic, the polluter has gone out of business or has no money, or the pollution event requires immediate attention. For these situations the government steps in and does the work and attempts to reclaim the cost later.