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Q: What is the number that describes the likelihood that an event will occur as a prediction?
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What is the number that describes the likelihood a certain event will occur?

The probability of that event.

What number describes The likelyhood that certain events will occur?

Probability is the likelihood that a given event will occur. It is usually expressed as a number, i.e. 0.8 or 80%.

Which best describes probability A. The genotype ratio for a certain trait B. The likelihood that something will happen C. The most likely possible outcome D. The number of offspring with a trait?

b the likelihood of an event occurring apex

How can you represent the likelihood of an event occurring?

By its probability: a number in the interval [0, 1].

The likelihood of an event occurring?

The likelihood of an event occurring is known as the probability of occurrence. This can be calculated based on previous patterns and other factors.

What does a prediction mean?

A prediction is the strong belief that something will happen. It is said to be a true prediction if the event happens. Before the event takes place, you would have to ask the prophet/psychic making the prediction what it means. After the event, or after the prediction is proven false, you can see for yourself what it means.

What number describes how likely an event will occur?

Its probability.

Number that describes how likely it is that an event will occur?


What does thearetical probability?

Theoretical probability refers to the probability of an event occurring based on mathematical or theoretical calculations. It is determined by dividing the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes. Theoretical probability provides an idealized prediction of the likelihood of an event, assuming all conditions and variables are known and controlled.

What is scientific probability?

It is a number expressing the likelihood of the occurrence of a given event, especially a fraction expressing how many times the event will happen in a given number of tests or experiments.

Likelihood that a particular event will occur?

That is the probability of that event.

Wt is Number that describe the likelihood that a certain event will occur?

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