It is: 1200/240 = 5
Yes, it is, since no number other than 1 divides into both to get a whole number
The divisor is the number that divides
Divisibility is when a number divides into another number with no remainder.
It is: 1200/240 = 5
Yes, it is, since no number other than 1 divides into both to get a whole number
The divisor is the number that divides
Divisibility is when a number divides into another number with no remainder.
Divisibility is when a number divides into another number with no remainder.
Divisibility is when a number divides into another number with no remainder.
A number that divides n is called a "divisor" of n.
A factor divides evenly into a given number.
A factor divides evenly into a given number.
A number that divides into a whole number evenly is called a "factor" of that number.
What number divides 1849 with no remainder