three thousand three
One more than two billion three hundred forty two thousand two hundred and two, or 2,000,342,203
The number 517,768,399 (using commas helps us to answer this by making the number more readable) means:Five hundred and seventeen million seven hundred and sixty eight thousand three hundred and ninety nine.
3,610 is the answer to the riddle.
what number is 100,000 more than seven hundred two thousand, eighty three?
three thousand three
100 + 4372 = 4472
One more than two billion three hundred forty two thousand two hundred and two, or 2,000,342,203
The numeral 260000 (260,000) would be written "two hundred and sixty thousand" or more rarely "two hundred sixty thousand."
The number 517,768,399 (using commas helps us to answer this by making the number more readable) means:Five hundred and seventeen million seven hundred and sixty eight thousand three hundred and ninety nine.
20,000 + 200 = 20,200 (twenty thousand and two hundred).
One million is larger than one hundred thousand because one million has more zero's in it than one hundred thousand. The more zero's you have, the greater the number is.
"6 thousand" = 6000"53 hundred" = 5300, (53 * 100 = 5300)6000 > 5300
To write 217,009.703 in word form, you can write it as "two hundred seventeen thousand nine point seven hundred three". This is the standard way of writing numbers in word form, using the names of the place values for each digit and separating the whole number part from the decimal part with the word "point". Alternatively, you can write the number as "two hundred seventeen thousand nine and seven hundred three thousandths", which specifies the place value of each digit more explicitly.
3,610 is the answer to the riddle.